Spreading God's Love

We are passionate about showing you who Jesus is. Whether it is in our own neighborhood or across the globe, we can tangibly express God’s love for humanity through our outreach projects and mission trips. Join us as we extend our mission beyond our walls and share the love of Jesus in our local and global community. We are strategic about reaching the greater Liberty Mills area for Christ in a number of ways, and we've highlighted one of our ministries below.

We also feel it is important for our members to take their faith outside our church walls and to make an impact for Jesus Christ, not only in our community but around the world. God has called our church to help serve the unequipped.

Guatemala Outreach

Suffering the same needs as other developing nations, our Guatemalan  neighbors present us with opportunities for service.  our church mobilizes teens and adults to provide a fun, exciting and spiritual retreat for people in need. The people will learn about the love for Christ through you. 

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Haiti Outreach

Church members have been serving communities in Haiti , using their vocational skills, gifts and passions to meet needs and impact lives.  Impacting multiple areas / domains in each of the communities we serve.  We work with orphanages, universities, hospitals, churches, and the business community. We have also adopted villages and schools who have been impacted the most from the recent earthquakes.


Brethren Disaster Ministries engages volunteers to repair and rebuild stormdamaged homes for some of the most vulnerable disaster survivors, thereby easing trauma and promoting recovery. By demonstrating Christ’s love and putting their faith in action as they restore damaged homes, volunteers also restore broken lives.

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Community Meal

Manchester Fellowship of Churches at Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church

113 West Main Street, North Manchester, Indiana 46962    Phone (260) 982-9590

Offers a free community meal twice a month to those in need. No ticket required. Meals are provided and prepared by area churches.

Every 2nd and 4th Thursday 4:30-6:00 p.m.

If interested in helping or more questions please contact us.

CROP Hunger Walks are community-wide events sponsored by Church World Services and organized by local congregations or groups to raise funds to end hunger at home and around the world. Liberty Mills is proud to be part of this yearly tradition. We encourage you go to CROP Hunger and read more about it or contact Us for more information.  

Heifer International is yet another project Liberty Mills has been highly motivated to help over the years. We encourage you to go visit Heifer International website. If you still need more information please contact us we would be happy to tell you more.

Food Pantry

Our Outreach team at Liberty Mills has a food pantry for those in need. We want to reach out to the community.

Please contact us if you or someone you know is in need of basic food supplies.