Marriage Retreat
This is a fun filled weekend for couples to rekindle the passion in their marriage for each other.
Contact Pastor Erin for more information.
Please check back often for next retreat date.
If you would like to sponsor a trekker for Faith Quest please fill out this form.
Mail To
If you would like to go to Faith Quest and are 16- 20 years of age fill out this application and return to your sponsor.
Mail To
Kami Ross
Faith Quest
597 South. 325 East.
Lagro, IN 46941
If you would like to go to Brethren Way Of Christ please fill out this form and return to your sponsor.
Mail To
Pre-Weekend Chair
3330 E 1000 N
Tin Caps Ball Game
Reimbursement Voucher
Fill out this form fully and return to the church treasurer for reimbursement.
Must be approved and signed by designated commission chairperson.