Men's Ministry
The men's prayer breakfast meets the 2nd and 4th Saturdays at 7:00 a.m. in our church basement. A he-man breakfast is served and a Bible study time centers on being a man of God. Periodically, teachings are put into practice by serving others. All men are invited!
Children's Church
During Second Service "11:25 a.m to close of service" please allow your child to go to children's church. This is a structured class that teaches the children all about Jesus and having fun doing it.
Children's Church is for 4 years of age thru 5th grade.
Nursery is offered during Sunday school for your child. Also during second service for infants up to 3 years of age.
Student Sunday School
Pre K- Kindergarten meet in basement in class room by kitchen
1st-3rd meet upstairs
4th-6th meet upstairs
7th thru 12th grade meets in youth building
Mission Opportunities
The project will be....Being and Showing the Love Of Jesus to the people.
The Manchester Haiti Mission Team is in need of items. Contact Colleena Jimenez if you can help.
Fight Club: see Pastor Erin for details.
Stay tuned for more details if interested in more info see Chad Michael.